Mia Khalifa has swooped online to be one of the biggest porn stars in existence and perhaps Maybe it's due to the fact that some people find it controversial that she comes from a muslim background.
But either way mia Khalifa became porn Hubs number one porn star on December 28 2014
Hi guys I'm Blogger Bawa and welcome to Amazing facts we talk about everything [and] everything whether it be the universe,Celebrities,life or nature and today we're talking about the porn star known as mia Khalifa.
[so] before I get in this video I want to know what are your thoughts on porn and porn stars let me know down there in the comments below now Mia Khalifa she's a lebanese girl, but she was born in beirut on February 20th 1993 but it wasn't until the year 2000 that she moved to the states with her family.
Now sometimes when you think about porn stars you wonder if they have a really refined education believe it or not this girl has a bachelor's art degree in history. she earned this when she graduated from the university of Texas although being born in a family that was strictly Muslim.
She converted over to Christianity and besides being a porn star this is one of the reasons why her parents don't talk to her anymore?
At the age of 18 mia Khalifa got married to an American man in 2011 before being a porn star she worked in a burger joint [in] Miami, and it was at [that] same Burger Joint She was asked if she wanted to join the porn industry and become a famous porn star [no] some porn stars have an alias Mia Khalifa doesn't have many of them. But at one point she went by Mia Callisto it may also Not shock you to find out that her main idols are Kim Kardashian and Sofia, Vergara.
I said it may not shock you because I mean like look at the way your eyebrows are on a rake up is it looks? Very similar to the way that they wear it one of her most controversial videos was her wearing a Hijab During a video with the bang brothers this video got so much attention that she received death threats on Twitter people on Twitter have also Targeted her family however. She always reminds fans to not target and ridicule them because they just have their opinions. now You may wonder when it comes to being a porn star? What are they gonna?
Do when they get older now although mew Khalifa has stated. What she would do if she [left] the industry She did say that she won't be in it forever.
Mia Khalifa also has two tattoos one with her country's national anthem and the other one is a tattoo of the Lebanese forces in which she's a strong supporter of on top that she's also a huge football fan Meet Olivia has stated that she is a proud seminoles fan And she's even tried to use social networking to get other players to join the team so thanks for reading guys This has been amazing facts And if it's your first time here guys be sure [to] hit that subscribe button also check out our other articles and learn everything about Everything once again. Thanks for watching I'm Blogger Bawa and you've been fact attacked
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