Welcome to Amazing facts! Cuddle up comfortably on your Chesterfield and enjoy a nice hot double-double, because today, we’re in the Great White North! Take this journey with us as we explore ten fascinating facts about'Canada.
10. Canadian Attractions Being the 2nd largest country in the world by area, there’s bound to be places for tourists to enjoy, ey? One of Canada’s greatest attractions is not a man-made structure, but rather a waterfall that it shares with the United States. The 50-meter or 167-foot high Niagara Falls is visible in Ontario and New York and curious visitors can get up closeand personal with boating tours that skirt the fall’s wall of mist.
Enjoying Canada’snatural beauty means visiting locations like the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Parkand Glacier National Park. Manmade attractions worth a visit include the National War Memorial,Olympic Stadium, Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, the Hockey Hall of Fame, the Notre-Dame Basilica,and the CN tower, the tallest free standing structure in the world.
9. Canadian Cuisine If you love potatoes slathered in gravy andserved with cheese curds, Canada may be the culinary dream for you. Poutine originatedin Quebec in the 1950’s, combining the fine flavors of French fries, gravy, cheese, andsometimes foie gras or a donut. Don’t enjoy gravy or fried food? You can thank Canada’slarge polish population for an abundance of pierogis or just smother everything you eatin maple syrup. Canadians are also known for chowing down on salmon jerky, ketchup potatochips, Nanaimo bars, Jiggs dinner, Bannock, Pemmican, and garlic fingers. If you need a fine beverage to wash your meal down with, try a Sourtoe Cocktail – a drink as vileas it sounds. A Dawson City tradition, the cocktail combines hard liquor with a real,severed human toe. Yum...
8. Famous People of Canada What do William Shatner, Ryan Reynolds, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion, John Candy,and Donald Sutherland have in common? They’re all Canadian, as is explorer Louis Jolliet;entrepreneur Elizabeth Arden; poet, novelist, and environmentalist Margaret Atwood; hockeylegend and coffe connoisseur Tim Horton; Wayne Gretzky; poet E.J. Pratt; and late professionalwrestler Chris Benoit. On YouTube, be sure to check out Canadian-based channels suchas Matthew Santoro, WatchMojo, VanossGaming, AsapScience and Superwoman. The list goes on; In fact, there are so many notable Canadian actors, singers, and athletes, that this maybe easier…
Canadian Inventions Beyond possibly being behind the combination of ketchup and potato chips, Canadians have proven their worth in the world of inventions and innovations. Among the many products that have been attributed to Canadian inventors include the anti-gravity suit by Wilbur Rounding Franks in 1940, the sport of basketball by Canadian-born James Naismith in 1891, andWilson Markle’s film colorization process of the 1970s. Further advancements go on toimprove the medical field, such as the electric wheelchair by George Klein, Dianne Croteau’sCPR mannequin, and the first process for insulin, developed in 1922 by Fredrick Banting, J.J. Macleod, and Charles Best.
Wildlife in Canada Due to the range in climates that Canada is divided into, it’s not uncommon to find quite the range of critters in the wild. Amongst some of Canada’s more unique non-human inhabitants include the arctic fox, arctic hare, wolverines, walrus, tundra swan, prairie rattlesnake,moose, caribou, and polar bear. Scope out the country’s surrounding waters and youmay come across some killer whale, Greenland shark, beluga whale, rainbow trout, and seaotter. Look to the sky and you may catch a bald eagle, Canada goose, blue jay, peregrinefalcon, and the northern cardinal.
Canadian Superstitions Travel the world, and you’ll come to find that most, if not all countries follow sometruly strange superstitions and customs. In Canada, prairie etiquette claims you’llwant to be wary of returning a clean plate to someone that’s brought you food – it’sconsidered bad luck to wash the plate. Alberta residents may tell tale of blackberry picking after October 11th, an activity that is frowned upon because the Devil is sure to have claimedany remaining crops. To the country folk, fireflies, or fi-follets, are believed tobe lost souls with lights that lead the gullible to destruction. Traditional French Canadians may speak of the loup garou, a shapeless, headless animal and their version of the were wolf.The loup garou is believed to be a person who did not partake in sacrament for sevenyears.
4. NHL, Lacrosse, and Canada Even if you’re greatly removed from Canadian culture, chances are even you would know about the Canadian love for the National Hockey League. If you have any doubts over just howmuch the country is into hockey, remember the 2011 riots that broke out after the Canuckslost the Stanley Cup to the Boston Bruins. What is often overlooked is the country’slove for lacrosse, and considering the sport received its first set of official rules byCanadian William George Beers, there is a lot of love. Where hockey is considered thecountry’s “National Winter Sport,” lacrosse fills in the summertime gap as the “NationalSummer Sport.” Canada also produced Gary Gait, a lacrosse player considered one ofthe best with a win in every major lacrosse championship under his belt.
3. Wars of the Great White North Think Canada is nothing but polite citizen sand peace? While that could possibly be how things are today, the country and its military has seen its fair share of bloodshed. During the early 1700’s, Quebec City was a targetfor British forces, though was never reached; but Acadia, now modern day Nova Scotia, andits capital, Port Royal, was lost. Between 1866 and 1871, Canadian forces took on theFenian Brotherhood during the Fenian Rades. Ten years after the Fenian raids ceased, Canada,the United Kingdom and Egypt fought against Sudan military, leading to the Anglo-EgyptianSudan of the British Empire. Later conflicts include the North-West Rebellion of 1885,World War I, the Russian Civil War of 1918, World War II, the Persian Gulf War, the LibyanCivil War, and the continued war efforts against terrorism.
2. The Canadian Eskimo Dog This fluffy ball of adorable fur has beenan Arctic inhabitant for upwards of 4,000 years, initially bred by the ancestors ofmodern-day Inuit, the Thule. Not typically raised as a household pet, the Canadian Eskimo Dog has always been a work-dog, used throughout history to track seal holes, hunt polar bears,haul supplies, and carry people. Over the course of 20 years, between the 50’s and70’s, Royal Canadian Mounted Police intentionally killed an estimated 1,000 to 20,000 dogs,allegedly to remove sick or dangerous pups. As of 2008, only 300 pure bred Canadian Eskimo Dogs remain, putting this adorable working dog on the threatened species list. Consideringits history and current status, this useful pup is often thought to be one of North America’soldest and rarest purebred indigenous domestic canines. Other breeds of canine that originatefrom Canada include the New found land, the Landseer and the Labrador Husky.
1. A World of Records Taking the cake in one of Canada’s proudest moments is Suresh Joachim who, in 2008, set the record for longest non-stop Elvis Presley impersonation. Joachim’s impersonation marathon ended after 55 hours, beating out the standing record of 43 hours and 11 minutes. Equally as impressive were Donovan Bailey’s onceworld-record of running a 100 meters in 9.84 seconds; Cornel Dobrin’s 2009 record forthe shortest time biking across Canada, coming in at 27 days, 5 hours, and 30 minutes; andthe 2010 dodge ball game that topped the record for largest game at 1,200 participants; onlyto be reclaimed 2 years later by UC students with some 4,000+ participants.
Additional records include longest street in the world, world’s largest man made non-nuclear wartime explosion, world’s largest maple leaf, and world’s largest tin soldier, standing at9.8 meters or 32 feet.
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