So you've been together with your romantic partner for a while now, but how do you know whether or not you're falling in love? In the initial stage of dating, it might be hard to pinpoint what your heart is telling you and you may have a surge of mixed intense feelings all at once. You might be unsure of whether or not it's merely physical attraction, infatuation or the real deal. Moreover you may be wondering what your partner thinks of you and if they've given any thought towards developing your relationship even further. How do you fully decipher your emotions? How do you fully decipher your emotions? Here are 10 signs to tell if you're falling in love: 1) You find yourself trying new things When people fall in love they often step out of their comfort zone and engage in activities or interest their partner favors. You find yourself curious to learn more about them. So you begin to participate in their hobbies or eat their favorite foods. This in turn also h...
1. You can tell if an egg is hard-boiled or not,by spinning it: if the inside is solid, it will carry on spinning. If the egg is raw, the liquid contents willstop the egg spinning within three rotations.
2. American scientist Benjamin Franklin had badeyesight and got so fed up of switching between different pairs of spectacles that he inventedbifocal lens!
3. The bird named dodo was made extinct only80 years after it was discovered.
4. There is no such thing as bulletproof glass,only bullet-resistant glass. One-way bullet-resistant glass has recentlybeen invented for armoured vehicles, protecting the occupants but allowing them to defendthemselves.
5. A third of the world's population is infectedwith tuberculosis (TB) – one person per second picks up the bacteria. Some people carry TB but do not become illfrom it themselves.
6. Chalk is made from the fossilized skeletons of tiny sea animals!
7. The Eiffel Tower is painted in three differentcolours! Because of the effects of light and background,three shades are needed to make it appear to be one colour.
8. The ten highest mountains in the world areall in the Himalayas.
9. Some rocks can float! In a volcanic eruption, the violent separationof gas from lava produces a 'frothy' rock called pumice, which is loaded with gas bubbles.
10. Flash floods and landslides unearthed an ancienttree trunk in Switzerland. The white pine trunk, believed to have been preserved in ice, was examined by experts and found to be 2,815 years old!
11. A hurricane north of the equator spins anti-clockwise, while a hurricane south of the equator will spin clockwise.
12. Yucca plants and yucca moths depend on eachother for survival – the small moth is the only creature that can pollinate the plantsas it feeds.
13. Salt and vinegar is an explosive combination! There is a spectacular chemical reaction whenthe two are mixed in large quantities. Don't try it yourself...
14. Every rainbow is unique: each rainbow is formedfrom light hitting your eye at a very precise angle. Someone standing next to you will see lightcoming from a slightly different angle than you and therefore see a different rainbow.
15. When comes to mobile, Even if it is not taken out of its packaging, a disposable battery will lose up to 25 per cent of its power in a year.
16. There are earthquakes on the moon...calledmoonquakes, of course! There are also icequakes in Antarctica.
17. The cracks in breaking glass travel at morethan 5,000 kilometers per hour.
18. There are more than 150 giant craters aroundthe world, left by fallen meteorites. The largest one is in Arizona, USA - it measuresmore than 1,200 metres in diameter and was created around 50,000 years ago.
19. Water can cut through steel! Waterjet tools shoot water through a finenozzle at such a high pressure that the jet cuts metal – and it never needs sharpening.
20. German scientists Josef von Mering and OskarMinkowski discovered diabetes when, out of curiosity, they removed the pancreas froma dog and monitored the effects inside the dog.
21. Nineteenth-century British chemist HumphryDavy was addicted to nitrous oxide which is called as laughing gas!
22. Diamond dust is a kind of glittering polarfog made up of tiny ice crystals.
23. Iron and sulphur compounds are present ineggs – if you hard-boil an egg for long time, they will show up as a green coatingaround the yolk.
24. In the middle of the Atlantic, the two plates- the African plate and the American plate - are moving apart at about the same speedas your fingernails grow.
25. Uranus was originally called the GeorgianPlanet, after King George III.
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