Facts of beer | Amazing facts
Amazing Facts Presents 18 Random Facts of Beer.
18. In 1814, There was a vat spillage that causedmassive A Beer Wave that flooded central London. More that of 388,000 Gallons.
17. During Egyptian Times, Pyramid workers were paid with beer: For a single day's work, Each worker would be paid 1 gallon of beer.
16. Technically speaking, beer and marijuana are closely related to each other as beer's hops are in the same family of flowering plantsas marijuana.
15. In the Middle Ages, Beer was a main source for keeping hydrated as it was consumed more than water as the alcohol made it safer back then due to the water being unfiltered and unhygienic.
14. At this very moment in time, around 0.7% ofthe world is drunk. That means that right now there is around50 million people who are intoxicated.
13. It has been reported that the strongest beerin the world is Snake Venom. This 275ml cost around 50 british pounds andhas a 67.5% alcohol content. You’ll be hungover for weeks!
12. Speaking of hangovers, On record, The world'slongest hangover lasted around 4 weeks after a Scotsman consumed 60 pints of beer which amounts to around 35 liters of alcohol consumed over a period of 4 days.
11. In Amsterdam, There is a system in place thatpays alcoholics in beer in exchange for cleaning the streets up. These workers can earn up to 5 cans of beerfor a single day's work as well as €10 and tobacco.
10. Russia is very well known for their vodkabut did you know that up until 2013 Beer was not considered an alcoholic beverage but ratheran “alcopop” similar to Smirnoff Ice Lemonade or Alcola. As of 2013 however, Beer is now consideredto be an alcoholic beverage in russia.
9. Creator of Heineken beer, Albert Heineken decided in 1963 to create a beer bottle that could also be used as a brick to build sustainable housing in impoverished countries.
8. Funnily enough, Albert Heineken’s idea ofusing beer bottles to construct buildings was realised as The Wat Pa Maha Chedi Kaewtemple in Thailand was constructed entirely with beer bottles. It has been estimated that 1 million bottlesof Heineken and local beer were used throughout the building’s construction.
7. When scientist Niels Bohr won the Nobel Prizein 1922, the Carlsberg brewery rewarded him with a perpetual supply of beer that was pipeddirectly to his house. This is essentially any person’s dream cometrue!
6. The leading country for drinking the mostbeer in the world is the Czech Republic. With an incredible per capita beer consumption of almost 40 gallons a year, the Czechs are way out in front in the beer drinking worldleague table. Hell they even have beer spas! You can’t top that!
5. On record, It has been recorded that more Guinness beer is consumed in Nigeria than it is Ireland. So much for stereotypes!
4. Oddly enough before the 1970’s Belgium usedto stock and serve beer in school refectories. It is believed that beer was a serving optionto the staff rather than the children. As said, This came to an end during the 1970s.
3. Local Pennsylvania resident Steven Petrosino downed 1 liter of beer or 33 ounces in a chilly 1.3 seconds in 1977 which made him a WorldBeer Chugging Champion according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
2. It has been reported that Beer prevents kidney stones. A study published in American Journal of Epidemiology estimated that a bottle of beer consumed every day reduces the risk by 40%.
1. The oldest known recipe for BEER is over 4,000years old, made by Sumerians. It is said that their recipe for “The Perfect Beer” as simply malt, Bread, Honey and Wine. Many people who’ve replicated this recipeand brewing techniques have gone on record and said that the beer the Sumerians had over4,000 years ago is so much better than anything we have today. Don't forget to subscribe For more Amazing facts.
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